- To be eligible to win either the pitch or scholarship competition, youth are required to be between the ages of 17-29.
- Contestants are required to fulfill all eligibility criteria as outlined on the website in order to be considered a finalist.
- All applications will be reviewed by a Committee and at the discretion of its members, individuals may be contacted to provide further clarification or additional documentation (e.g., proof of honours, additional marketing material, etc.) to further inform the selection process.
- All successful pitch competition finalists will be required to attend development workshops.
- Winners will be determined by a panel of judges. Pitch competition finalists will need to successfully show judges why they need the prize amount and how those dollars will be utilized for business through a live pitch. More details will be provided to finalists leading up to the event day.
- Some Winners will be paired with a coach to support their educational or business journey. Winners will be required to sign a contract that outlines clear roles and responsibilities of the program. If a winner is under the age of 18, a guardian will be required to sign the contract. Exceptions can be discussed at the discretion of the Committee.
- If the contract responsibilities are not fulfilled by the Winner, the Take Your Shot Committee has the right to rescind the funds and will do so by providing written notice.
- Coaches will also be required to sign a commitment contract outlining their key roles and responsibilities; however, if that coach does not fulfill their contract obligations, a member of the Take Your Shot Committee will step in to fulfill program obligations.
- Winners will also be required to submit the necessary paperwork for release of funds.
- Scholarship Winners:
- Submission to The Bridge ([email protected]) of previous year’s grades and next year’s enrollment forms.
- Pitch Winners:
- Submission to The Bridge ([email protected]) a quote or invoice signed off by the coach. Invoice is to include the date the dollars received and the amount provided.
- Scholarship Winners:
- Should winners and coaches disagree on the use of funds specifically for the pitch competition, a mediation process will take place to support resolution through the Take Your Shot Committee.